Autumn Newsletter
April 2014
Welcome to the Easter/ANZAC Day Edition of the Crystal Street Family Chiropractic newsletter. I hope everyone is excited for a bit of time away from the desk and hopefully some fresh air, good food and maybe even some stretching.
A Cochrane review has found that upright labour lowers caesarean rates. This is a worthwhile read!
I have also included a very interesting study which has linked cancer treatment and arthritis. Although it is very complex, refer to page 438-439 for the summary.
Nutrition Tip
Vitamin of the month - Vitamin C, vital for this time of the year with its fantastic antioxident and immune properties.
There is a lot of talk about the benefits and safety of babywearing. This article details a few of my thoughts.
In and Around Petersham and the Inner West
There are a few new places popping up in Petersham. Just down the road from the clinic is Brighton the Corner & on Stanmore rd is Daisy's Milk Bar. I have yet to try more than a coffee from Brighton the Corner, but that was good!
Foam Rollers
I have started stocking foam rollers for $60. They are extremely useful for stretching of the legs and upper body. They are also perfect for lying over instead of a rolled towel. Please contact me if you are interested in purchasing.
Just as a reminder if you do need to cancel or reschedule your appointment please give at least 12 hours notice or a cancellation fee will apply of $25. Missing an appointment without letting me know will incur the full fee of the consultation.
Have a great week!