Let's Get Back to Our Best - Spinal Health Week (20-26 May)

April 2013

Postural Fitness is the new buzz term of healthy lifestyle thinking and for good reason.

Over 2 millions Australians experience back and spine problems every year and postural fitness is one of the most powerful ways to address preventative health.

Postural fitness essentially means optimal spinal alignment. It gives you better balance and coordination as well as greater strength and endurance. 

It helps you lead an optimal healthy lifestyle, reduce muscle fatigue and improve postural endurance. As we all know, back pain has serious consequences for lifestyle, families and employment. In fact, people with back problems report 2.5 times more disorders, such as depression.

This May, the Chiropractic Association of Australia is launching a national initiative called Let's Get Back to Our Best. It aims to encourage Australians to support Chiropractic care and research. Visit the Spinal Health Week Facebook page to find out more. 

As part of Spinal Health Week 2013, Crystal Street Family Chiropractic will be encouraging patients and the Inner West community to improve postural fitness.

Some ideas are: Yoga (to develop good balance and flexibility), Pilates (to build strength and improve breathing), Swimming (to improve muscle endurance, strength and resilience). All of the above ideas will help strengthen core muscles too!

Additionally, there are small changes one can make in their routine which will help with postural fitness at home, work and in transit. We all spend too much time sitting...

Sitting for too long can:

  • Increase the stress on the discs between the spinal vertebrae

  • Cause the natural curve in your back to wear and tear

  • Reduce the function and stability of your spine

  • Cause inflammation, pain and possible early degeneration of your spine

I am often asked for tips on how to sit correctly at work infront of the computer. So, the Chiropractors Association has developed a widget to download (www.SitRight.com.au) to advise on just that. 

Here are some general tips for work:

  • While working on the computer, take short breaks to stretch and stand

  • Check and adjust your posture regularly

  • Try standing when you're on the phone for extended periods

  • During meetings take regular stretch breaks

  • Try moving things around on your desk to break bad habits

An active spine is a healthy spine and a healthy spine leads  to a healthier life. Why not try being more active to improve your wellbeing!


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