10 Reasons for Chiropractic Care during Pregnancy

1. For relief of neck, back and joint pain

2. To help relieve sciatica and carpal tunnel caused by nerve compression

3. To prevent spinal misalignment due to the belly growing, changes in the pelvis and posture and increased back curvature

4. To help relieve pubic symphysitis

5. To help relieve headaches and migraines often caused by tension and hormone changes

6. To help with ligamentous tension

7. To help keep mum-to-be moving

8. To help align the pelvis 

9. To make for the 9 months of pregnancy as comfortable as possible!

​10. Time out! 


Travel Tips for School Holidays from Dr Amy Melamet Chiropractor Randwick


Growing Pains - A Guide by Randwick Chiropractor