Pregnancy & Chiropractic at Crystal Street Family Chiropractic
November 2013
A woman’s body changes to accommodate the demands of pregnancy and the several changes that occur. There are particular biochemical demands for the purpose of growing a healthy baby; these require attention with us of dietary changes. Starting to be more conscious of a balanced pattern of eating regularly each day at every three to four hours is a good idea. For example, morning sickness can require that you eat a little but more frequently to settle the stomach. Additionally, increasing quality proteins in your daily diet such as fish, lean meats and eggs and eating mineral rich foods such as celery, beans and carrots is a good habit to develop during the pregnancy. It is also a good idea to try avoid excessive sweet or rich foods that you may be cravings and rather try to simulate these flavours using vegies and fruit.
With all these biochemical changes there will be physical changes to the whole body during pregnancy. There will be increased pressure on the body when standing, moving and even sitting. These demands will cause changes in joints and can result in aches and pains through the lower back, pelvis and legs and result in joint dysfunction of the spine and related joints.
A misalignment of the lower body can cause a twist in the pelvis with a distortion of the abdomen and internal ligaments of the pelvis, such as the round ligament. Changes in a pregnant woman, such as a protruding abdomen, an increased back curve, pelvic ligament stretching and changes in gravity all cause changes in the body. The body has to adapt to these changes. As this occurs, pain and stiffness can follow. Spinal dysfunction is greatest during the second and third trimester, when posture and the body distortion of pregnancy is at its greatest. In fact, it is likely that the state of ‘Pregnancy’ is one of the most stressful periods of a woman’s life. The period of nine months brings physical, emotional and biochemical pressures that the human body never experiences otherwise.
Chiropractic care can be helpful during pregnancy as it keeps the body moving well and in postural balance for the nine months. A chiropractic treatment can re-set the balance of the pelvis and unwind any twist or misaligned joints caused by day–to-day activity. The chiropractic goal is to have one functioning optimally during their pregnancy and towards the day that labour commences! Chiropractic care is a gentle and can be beneficial in the treatment of back, pelvic or hip pain.
Adapted from article by Dr Sue-Ellen McKelvey , PhD
(1) Fallon, J. DC. The Effect of Chiropractic Treatment on Pregnancy and Labour: A Comprehensive Study. Proceedings of the World Federation of Chiropractic, 1991:24-31. Fallon, J. DC. Chiropractic and Pregnancy; A Partnership of the Future. ICA Review Nov/Dec 1990.
(2) Henderson, I. MD. American Medical Association records released in 1987 during trial in U.S. District Court, Northern Illinois, Eastern Division, No. 76C 3777. May 1987.