Sports, Kids & Chiropractic
September 2013
Preventing Sports Injuries in Children
Preventing sports injuries in your children from an early age will make an amazing difference to the rest of your child's life. As it is, general stresses in life, such as crawling, learning to walk and posture, have a huge impact on our bodies, not to mention the repercussions childhood injuries have when they creep up on us later in life. On a regular basis, adult patients tell of how their falls off bikes, horses or trampolines have caused long term irritation of the spine or how their ankle or knee was never the same after the soccer or netball injury they experienced as a child.
This doesn't mean that our children shouldn't play sport, in fact it is greatly encouraged as movement is the greatest stimulator of the brain and maintains a healthy body. It does however mean being observant as an adult and listening to your child when they have a complaint.
Why Are Children Susceptible to Injury?
As any parent knows when buying shoes or clothing, children's bodies are constantly growing and changing. Along with physical change comes internal growth of bones, muscles and cartilage. Of particular concern are the injuries to the growth plate and end of bones. In sports where repetitive training is required, children are extremely vulnerable to stress fractures and injuries caused when the major tendon and ligament insertions pull away from the bone. Children also have no fear!
How Can I Prevent My Child From Injury?
First of all, listen to your child!
Many serious injuries are simply dismissed as 'growing pains'. When your child complains of pain, first thing to do is to make them rest. If there is still pain, it's time to see a health professional.
Treatment of Injury by your Chiropractor, Physio or GP may be beneficial to get your child back on the field.